Nimisha Saxena Sharma
4 min readJun 15, 2021
Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

The effect of human activities on the environment has been a much talked about subject in the past decade. With rising global warming, increasing pollution and rising landfills, the need of the hour is to step up and take corrective measures before the going gets too tough. Here is how making small changes in our daily habits, each one of us can be more friendly to our planet:-

1. Reuse, Repurpose and Share Your Wardrobe — It is estimated that more than 1 million tonnes of textiles are thrown away every year, with most of this coming from households. It is a good idea to go through your wardrobe every six months and identify clothes you haven’t worn in a long time. You can choose to style them in a different way or donate them to the needy. We all have a treasure of party wear lying in a corner of our wardrobe waiting to see the light of the day. These beauties can be redesigned to create a new fashion statement. A saree or lehenga can be turned into a beautiful gown or a party dress can be passed onto a family member or friend.

2. Streamline Online Ordering — The likes of Amazon and Flipkart have brought a great deal of convenience in our lives but the flipside is the environmental impact that packaging has on our planet. With a little planning and patience, we can significantly reduce the garbage generated by packaging material. Instead of placing multiple small orders, make a list of things you want to order and place a single order. It is a good practice to order multiple products from a single portal instead of ordering from different portals.

3. Convert Waste into a Resource — Waste collection and management has largely been an underutilized field in India. About 0.1 million tonnes of municipal solid waste is generated in India every day. While countries like Sweden have reached zero-waste generation levels, we are still at a nascent stage when it comes to waste management. Segregating waste at source can add immense value to it. We all can make a conscious effort to separate waste in our homes and help reduce landfills. Many household items like old bottles, jars and cans can be remodelled into beautiful home décor items while wet waste can be used as compost for plants.

4. Maximize Utilization of Water — Water is another resource that has been much talked about in recent years. While there have been innumerable campaigns on how to save water, maximizing use of water available with us can help in saving a great deal of this precious resource. Did you know that to generate 1 litre of purified water, an RO filter throws away 3 litres of water down the drain? This so-called waste water, if properly harvested, can be used for household cleaning, sanitation purposes, car cleaning and watering plants. The drain pipe of an RO filter can be extended to empty into a bucket from where this waste water can be utilized. All it takes is a simple pipe extension and a spare bucket.

5. Minimize Usage of Plastic — Plastic was introduced as a boon to mankind but its reckless usage has turned it into a bane for our planet. India generates a staggering 9.46 million tonnes of plastic waste every year, 40% of which remains uncollected. Small steps taken by us can help fight this formidable enemy and save the environment. Whenever you step out for shopping, make it a standard practice to take carry bags (cloth or jute ones) from home. Your old denims and trousers can be converted into sturdy carry bags. Always keep some carry bags handy in your car boot. It is a good practice to take polybags from home for vegetable shopping instead of taking fresh ones from the vegetable vendor. Instead of separately buying garbage bags, we can use empty packets of groceries and packaging bags from couriers to collect garbage at home. Simple recycling practices like these can postpone your garbage bag needs by at least 7 to 10 days a month. This means, reduced fresh plastic consumption in your household — if this were to boomerang across the neighbourhood, it can make a significant impact on your local community.

It is not necessary to be an activist or be part of a campaign to bring about a change. We can stride in the right direction by adopting small but significant changes in our lifestyle and thus prevent our planet from deteriorating further.

Do you have any other tips that can reduce the load on our Mother Earth? Don’t forget to share these tips and leave your comments in the section below.

